Tuesday, July 19, 2011


                         Poverty is one of the major major problem here in Philippines. Seven out of ten Filipinos are experiencing poverty but still government is looking for the possible solution regarding with this matter. Sad to know that poverty here in our beloved country is very rampant. The people who is in the position are always making promises to give,think and make a solution about it. But as always, promises are made to be broken.....

                        Are they really looking for a solution? Or its only a cover up of dirty doings in the government? Common!! We are not idiots not to know that the roots of all of this is corruption. We need to accept the fact that the people we are putting on the position, is the one who pulling us down. They say over population is the cause of poverty. Are they sure about that? For me that reasons is clearly  a big lie. For me I don't think that over population is the problem. As what can you see Philippines is a very wide island, there are a lots of vacant land that doesn't have community...

                        Also there are proposing the PRODUCTIVE HEALTH BILL. A Law that gives authority to people to use contraceptives, condoms and pills to prevent over population can be prevented. They say that it can only enaete chaos with the church. We are being influence by the western countries to do such thing. Instead of focusing on it, why don't the straight government officials put the corrupt officials behind bars???
                      The Filipino people need justice we should start a new, perspective, we should be wise and clever. Every Filipino should be united to fight corruption.... We can live in PEACE and LIBERTY.......

Thursday, July 14, 2011


( with love)
Love and hate are one of the strongest opposites in our dichotomous thinking. Why then unhappy love often turns into deep hate and ruined relationships? A person in love loves everyone. This overwhelmingly positive feeling can change the world drastically. A person in hate becomes an enormous destructive force. It drives to an abyss of violence.

Love may be more powerful than hate because, as it was in the song, love can lead to hate, whereas hate never, even metaphorically, produces love. Love is more powerful because it gives birth to new positive challenges. Love changes a person, enriches the world, extends the horizons, enhances opportunities, brightens friendships, and deepens emotions.

A person in love has a specific aura, a peculiar kind of energy that is given off, scattered in all directions, like the light of the myriads of stars, sliding through ages, celebrating Juliet, Laura, Natasha, Ophelia, Desdemona, all those love stories, powerful in their complexity of feelings and emotions, all about eternal love.

Who ever lived to hate? Love is powerful because it drives, navigates, directs, and makes our existence meaningful. Hate invites loneliness, whereas love denies it. Hate ruins personality, whereas love builds ego identity. Hate results in acts of violence, whereas love leads to amazing acts of kindness. Hate destroys, whereas love creates. Hate is war, whereas love is peace. Hate is bad, whereas love is good. Hate is revenge, whereas love is construction. Hate is meaningless, whereas love is meaningful. It is impossible "to love to hate". It is always "love" that gives birth to "love". That's why love is more powerful than hate, if you follow me.